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Mrs. Emerson
Junior, Senior and 1st Class

Autumn fun and learning in the Junior Room!

In Maths we have been learning our 2D and 3D shapes, learning about length, width and height, and also doing lots of sorting, matching, and number work! We built long and short walls and measured how many Humpty Dumpties we could fit along the wall!

In literacy, we have been learning how to recount a story using spoken word, drawings, and writing. We have been using the subtitles who, what, when and where to help us. As we have all been playing at our 'Witches' Den' in playtime, we recounted the time we met a witch! Junior Infants have been working hard on their pre-writing skills with lots of fine motor tasks (cutting, drawing, using tweezers to transfer pom poms, etc.)


Our theme the Witches' Den made a very fun play station! We all got a turn to dress up and make spells and potions! We used story puppets in our small world play and we also made some lovely Autumn pictures with leaves and twigs.

We had some fun with apples on our last day!

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